Unless the terms and conditions for the event or the original point of sale (if. not us) say otherwise, you will be able to let someone else collect tickets that are held at the venue in your name. They just need to pick them up from our box office on the day of the event.
The person collecting the tickets must bring with them a printed letter of authorisation, filled in and signed by you, in order to pick up your tickets on the day of the event. We can’t accept anything other than our template Letter of Authorisation as we need it to be able to confirm that we have all of the required information. You must have a printed version of the letter.
Please note also that you cannot issue a Letter of Authorisation for tickets that have already been posted out – it can only be used to re-allocate tickets that are being held at the venue and collected on the day of the event. We cannot be held accountable for mistakes made with Letters of Authorisation.
Very important point: The letter of authorisation cannot be used if the tickets have been sold for profit. In such cases the tickets will be rendered void as per our terms and conditions of sale.
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