Disabled Access
The Hawth car park, situated immediately outside the venue has assigned disabled parking, as well as free parking for cars and coaches. There is level access to the theatre, and adapted toilet facilities on two floors.
In addition, there is a Changing Places toilet on the ground floor for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, severely limited mobility or need the assistance of carers.
The venue have a reserved area capable of accommodating five wheelchair users and their companions in the theatre and five spaces in the studio. A wheelchair is also available to use free of charge (please call in advance to book). The Hawth has a lift to all floors.
Deaf or Hard of Hearing Patrons
The Hawth offers British Sign Language interpreted and captioned performances throughout the year. Details of forthcoming performances can be found in the Access Newsletter above.
For customers attending a Captioned performance, seats 8-13 and 23-28 in rows H-L offer a clear view of the stage and caption screens.
We welcome TextRelay calls, see www.relayuk.bt.com for more details.
Visually Impaired Patrons
The Hawth’s Audio Description team of volunteers offers an audio description service during selected shows, describing the action on stage through headsets that can be reserved at Box Office.
Relaxed Performances
Specifically designed performances adapted to reduce anxiety and create a supportive atmosphere. These performances are suitable for everyone but particularly for people with autism spectrum conditions, learning disabilities and other sensory and communication difficulties.
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