Theatre Royal Brighton Access
Access Booking line: 0800 912 6971
Theatre Royal Brighton Visual Story: a visual resource to help prepare visitors for a new experience and to help them become familiar with new surroundings and what to expect.
Please contact Access Champion Julie Denton to request the Visual and/or Social Story.
There are four wheelchair spaces available in the stalls, these are H1, O1, Q4, & Q5. These seats will not appear available online, please call or come into our Box Office to enquire about availability. The first counter of the Box Office is at a height suitable for wheelchair users.
Theatre Royal Brighton is equipped with a Sennheiser infra-red sound amplification system. To access the infra-red systems please request receiving equipment from the kiosk situated in the main foyer. Please be sure to request a compatible seat when booking your tickets, as only selected seats work within the infra-red area
Equipment available: Headset This device amplifies sound through earpieces similar to regular headphones. Suitable for persons without a hearing aid or some hearing aid devices that are able to accommodate a headset over them.
The first counter of the box office is fitted with an induction system for people who are hard of hearing.
Guide, hearing and other working dogs are welcome in all parts of the theatre.
There is a separate, accessible toilet facility on the ground floor by the stalls bar.
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