- Audio guide
- Entry/Admission - Westminster Abbey
What to see and do
With the Abbey’s rich history, there are many parts of it you’ll want to see when you visit. Explore the most popular spots to find out which area interests you most.
POETS' CORNER - in the south transept
CORONATION CHAIR - in the nave
THE LADY CHAPEL - at the eastern end of the church
PYX CHAMBER - off the east cloister
ROYAL TOMBS - the eastern end of the church
UNKNOWN WARRIOR - in the nave
THE QUIRE - in the centre of the church
CLOISTERS - accessible via Dean’s Yard or the church
CHAPTER HOUSE - in the east cloister
COLLEGE GARDEN - accessible through the cloisters
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries
We've transformed our medieval triforium, never before open to the public, into a new museum and gallery.
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