Bus: Preston Guild Hall is only 0.2miles walking distance away from Preston Central Bus Station and is therefore ideally located for a range of bus link services.
For more information call 01772 253671 or visit http://www.prestonbus.co.uk/ for current timetables.
Train: Preston Train Station is located 0.5 miles (approximately 10-15 minutes walking time) away from the Guild Hall and provides great transport links to the surrounding areas and beyond. For National Rail Enquiries call 08457 48 49 50 or visit nationalrail.co.uk
Taxi: A taxi rank is located approximately a 2 minute walk away at the end of Lancaster Road (on Church Street). Staff are also happy to call a taxi for you should you need one and our preferred company is Millers (www.millerscitax.com / 01772 884000).
Coach: The nearest coach station is also located at Preston Central Bus Station.
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