The Drive In Cinema are working with health and safety experts so families can enjoy a film together - safely and with social distancing.
The Drive In is a cashless event, where tickets must be bought online. At the event, all vehicles will be spaced 2 metres apart and tickets will be held up to your closed car window so the staff can scan your them and check you in.
The sound will be broadcast to your car's FM radio and with a top-of-the-range LED screen, all guests will have a brilliant view, wherever you are parked and no matter what time of day it is!
There will be snacks and drinks available to order through their mobile app, which will be delivered safely and contact free by their staff.
If you need to use the toilet then there will be a system to ensure social distancing is maintained in the queues. Toilets will be entered by one guest at a time, with regular cleaning of the facilities taking place.
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